Tiny Bubbles Swim School and First Aid Training

Welcome to Tiny Bubbles Swim School! We are a swim school located in Bradford, Ontario just outside of town. We teach the Lifesaving Society program which centres itself around WaterSmart education as well as the Swim to Survive standard. The courses promote water safety and essential swimming skills which ensure all Canadians are safe around the water. Anyone is welcome to attend lessons as there is a variety of programs for all ages of different skill levels. For more information on different levels and courses please click on the Swim Program tab.

Saving Lives

Over the past 25 years, the rate of drownings in Canada has significantly decreased. Over this time the Red Cross and Lifesaving Society swim programs have become increasingly more popular amongst Canadian households. The implementation of water safety and swimming lessons has a direct correlation with the decrease in water-related deaths. According to the Red Cross, 35% of reported drownings occur because the victim was a weak or non-swimmer. These drownings are easily preventable as swimming lessons are readily available in Canada.

Age Groups

As shown in the chart above all ages are susceptible to drowning. However, those between 20-24 years and 65+ years are significantly more likely to drown. Taking the Lifesaving Society swim program significantly increases the odds of survival in water-related incidents for all ages.


Drownings can occur anywhere! People can drown in little water like a puddle. Children and seniors most often drown in bathtubs or pools. Teens and young adults most often drown in open bodies of water. Through WaterSmart education the Lifesaving Society program instills rules to live by when near water. For example, always swimming with a buddy and never bathing when nobody else is home.